Greatness in the Unexpected
If you were to board a plane for an island get away you would expect to land at that destination. What if however you landed someplace...
Everyday things happen around us. Some are good, and others challenging. But regardless of what is happening, our response is always our...
Success is in the Struggle
When teaching Ninja Selling, I share the story of the butterfly - how when a butterfly emerges, the transformation is hard. It is...
Puzzle Pieces
Have you ever worked on a puzzle? there are hundreds or thousands of pieces when you begin - and at the start they make no sense. As you...
Create a New Path
If there is a hole cut into a tree - the tree will grow around it if a meteor makes a crater in the earth - in time the crater will fill...
Into the Wind
I read a quote today: "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."...
Over Night Success
As I travel or even get ready for the day, I listen to a lot of podcasts. In fact one of my favorite ones are the biographies of famous...
What would you do????
As I was planning my week, the quote I came across was: "What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" this is not a new...
The NEXT Right Move
Today I was listening to an interview between Oprah Winfrey and Tom Brady. She was asking Tom about winning and the strategies that he...
I Love You
I love you - these are words we often say, or sometimes can be hard to say, to another. However we know that when we say them, they can...