Everyday things happen around us. Some are good, and others challenging. But regardless of what is happening, our response is always our...
Want success? Try Happiness First
We all talk about the importance of being happy - but what really is the secret recipe to not just get happy, but also stay happy? Well...
Success is in the Struggle
When teaching Ninja Selling, I share the story of the butterfly - how when a butterfly emerges, the transformation is hard. It is...
Puzzle Pieces
Have you ever worked on a puzzle? there are hundreds or thousands of pieces when you begin - and at the start they make no sense. As you...
No Short Cuts
Drew Carey was well known for his staring role as the chubby, funny guy on the Drew Carey Show. After developing some health concerns,...
The NEXT Right Move
Today I was listening to an interview between Oprah Winfrey and Tom Brady. She was asking Tom about winning and the strategies that he...
I Love You
I love you - these are words we often say, or sometimes can be hard to say, to another. However we know that when we say them, they can...
Trust Your Feet
In yoga, one of the best ways to ensure a good practice is to watch and focus on your feet. Yes that's right, your feet. It is your...
LGIM: Catfish Needed
At the turn of the century cod fish were in much demand on the east coast. News of this tasty fish spread across the country all the way...
Let Go
When a rock climber is ascending a slope, they work to move by finding the safest rocks to secure themselves in. They know that to get...