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the Sweet Spot

If you play golf, there is a spot on the club where if you hit the ball just right, the gold ball will soar exactly where you want it to go. It is called the “sweet spot”

We have a sweet spot too. It is that place in us where everything flows perfectly, where we feel confident and our actions are fluid. The challenge is, just like with the golf club, it isn’t always easy to get to that spot.

Often times we are just off the sweet spot and therefore don’t quite reach the goals and targets we want.

Just as in the game of golf, our goal is to slow down, prepare and aim for where we can ge at our best – to do everything we can to help us target that sweet spot with every day we have. Our goal is to be our best, to live in our “sweet spot” as often as possible

This week give yourself the gift of preparation. Before you go out into the day, take a moment to assess if you are ready – are you energized, do you know your goals for the day , is your mind ready to give it’s best?

This week play the game and play it well – don’t settle for anything less than hitting that “sweet spot” in your life and your business

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